Weird Wonder - Amanda P.'s blog

Play Reports

This week I ran Mythic Bastionland for my biweekly game group, Mausritter for my seven year old godson, and played in my weekly Pathfinder 2E game and Gus’s playtest using modified OD&D. What a great week with a lot of gaming.

Mythic Bastionland

The party traveled through the forest and encountered a band of drunk levies serving Flint’s warband who had abandoned their post to pursue and worship The Child. They attempted to ply the party with drink but eventually came to blows, slaying two and then hunting the third, chasing him through a dark forest.

Weekly Pathfinder

The Skeleton Crew found themselves trapped by the sorceress in the ducal lair, battling her and her ensorceled knight Bael. Outside, Groz the Champion, Blorvin and his mechanical dog Hotdog battled the guards while revolutionary rats bombed the walls. The session ended with the battle not completed.

Gus Game

I played in the Friday playtest where we discovered a secret passage full of seaweed zombies who did not take kindly to being attacked with an iron dart. My prisoner templar Beatrix functioned as a meat shield for the party, trading blows and whatnot. It was fun and nice to meet folks from the various discords and blogs I enjoy.


This was my godson’s first rpg session. He created an adventurer mouse and we built a dungeon using 3d printed dungeon walls and tiles I had. The concept that I made up on the spot was a Pumpkinhead abducting pet animals to his sewer fortress. I haven’t run for a kid before but he enjoyed being creative and problem solving, adding an octopus and other animals to the dungeon.